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Rediscover Real

Feeling overwhelmed, confused, and stuck on a hamster wheel from constantly seeking external tools, validation, and buffering in the search for more joy and fulfilment?

It’s time to choose joy and peace.

"Rediscover Real" means to pull back the curtain and return to the foundation, peeling away the layers of mindsets, identities, and beliefs that no longer serve us.

As we choose to grow, move forward, and show up fully as God intended, because at our very core, inside of you lies everything already, as God created you absolutely perfect. We get to uncover and rediscover what’s inside of us and then to expand into what we’re capable of.

In this space, we’ll dive into topics on personal finance and budgeting, Mindset and growth, Relationships, network marketing, and Entrepreneurship.

There's sure to be some laughter and possibly some tears along the way.


I'm on the journey, and you're invited.


I’m holding out my hand for you, will you join me?

Let's rediscover real together!

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#34 Money Mindset: Unveiling Money Mindset - More Than Positive Affirmations

#34 Money Mindset: Unveiling Money Mindset - More Than Positive Affirmations

February 05, 202410 min read

#34 Money Mindset: Unveiling Money Mindset - More Than Positive Affirmations

Join me as we unravel the true essence of money mindset. In this episode, we break down why it's more than affirmations and reveal practical strategies for reshaping your financial beliefs. Discover the keys to consistent action and financial empowerment, from budgeting to boosting income. Learn how aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions can unlock your full financial potential. It's time to thrive financially and live a life aligned with your values!

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Unveiling Money Mindset: More Than Positive Affirmations

Hey there, folks! Today, I want to delve into the realm of money mindset – what it truly encompasses and how it goes beyond mere positive affirmations. Let's break it down together.

Money mindset isn't just about chanting affirmations or expecting a sudden windfall. It's about understanding the core beliefs, attitudes, and stories we hold about money and how they shape our financial behavior. Our upbringing, social circles, and past experiences heavily influence our money mindset, often ingraining patterns of scarcity or abundance.

Sure, affirmations like "I'm a millionaire" won't magically fill your bank account overnight. Instead, it's about recognizing our current financial reality, understanding our thought patterns, and consciously choosing to shift limiting beliefs. As my coach wisely said, "Peace in your heart, money in your bank account" – emphasizing the importance of inner peace before external wealth.

But here's the kicker – money mindset isn't a standalone solution. It's a foundational piece, yes, but it must be coupled with tangible actions and financial stewardship. Budgeting, increasing income, and making conscious spending decisions all play pivotal roles in our financial journey.

Think of it like hitting the gym. You can't expect a single workout to transform your physique. Similarly, reshaping your money mindset requires consistent practice and action. Rejecting old narratives and embracing new beliefs isn't a quick fix; it's a continuous process of growth and evolution.

So, where do we go from here? It's about cultivating awareness, nurturing a healthy money mindset, and taking proactive steps towards financial well-being. Budgeting isn't a chore when approached from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.

Remember, it's not just one thing. It's a holistic approach that combines mindset with practicality. By aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, we pave the way for financial empowerment and fulfillment.

So, let's embark on this journey together – one mindful step at a time. Because ultimately, it's about living a life that aligns with our values and aspirations. Cheers to mastering our money mindset and thriving in every aspect of our lives!



If I just keep telling myself these positive affirmations and I know what my money mindset type is, that's gonna fix all the things. Nope. All right, I'm here. I wanna talk about what money mindset is and isn't and how I approach it so that you have a better understanding of what this all is. Because some of you might be going, yeah, it's a little like woo woo, I just need to make more money. Some of you might be going like.


So I need to like, what's the song and dance? What's like the phrases I need to remember?


So money mindset is about shifting. And I've been talking a lot about this, is having the awareness of what your beliefs, your attitudes, your identity around your finances, around earnings, spending, saving, investing, overall stewarding your finances is about money. And then how that impacts, like the results you're seeing are a direct relation to that. So, but it's not,


just money mindset is gonna fix all of your things, right? Your money mindset influences your behavior, right? And I've talked about this in other episodes. And our mindset around money is often learned and shaped, through early experiences, how we grew up, where we grew up, what was kind of normal in our circles, our friend group can impact.


that hugely. Now it can, it's not just like repeating and I mean I said that is beginning fairly facetiously and maybe a little sarcastically of like, well I'm a millionaire. Now your brain, unless you are a millionaire right now, your brain is going to like, if you say the affirmation, I'm a millionaire, your brain's instantly going to go, yeah, that's garbage. Like I call BS on that, right?


Like you do instantly. You're like, nope, I'm sure not. Like that would be nice, but no, I'm not. So it's not just like, ooh, say these phrases or like, you know, do this thing and you're gonna like song and dance and it's gonna like shift everything for you. You have to have the awareness around, okay, these are my results right now. Have the awareness around what your patterns are and like what stories you're telling yourselves, the attitude, like your thoughts, your beliefs currently.


Then you get to, like I've talked about, you get to decide and decide if you're gonna like keep dancing on that decision line, or if you're actually gonna cut off and choose to reject and replace that story with one that actually serves you in moving forward.


because it can be changed. It's not just like we wake up tomorrow as a purple unicorn.


But if we don't feel good first, one of my first ever coaches talked, used this phrase, he said, peace in your heart, money in your bank account, in that order. And that's where as for years with teaching money mindset or teaching budgeting, it came from a lot of places, scarcity and how to like hold onto every cent and all those things. And I would have people tell me like, well, I wish you could just manage my money for me and give me an allowance.


But that would not serve in the long run, right? It would build resentment towards me. It would probably ruin the friendship or the relationship or whatever that was. And it wouldn't actually help you in moving forward because you're not taking ownership and accountability for your life, in your finances that God gave you and how to steward that well.


But make no mistake, you can't like, like my coach said, peace in your heart, money in your bank in that order. And our money beliefs and having a healthy relationship and stewarding our finances well, finance as well impacts the whole rest of our lives. As you've heard probably in other episodes. Now money mindset isn't just, like I said, it's not like, we'll do this and then you're gonna be a millionaire. You know, if you start, if you start, if you say that I'm a millionaire enough,


that you're not gonna like wake up one day and have a million dollars in your bank account. And it's not the only thing. It's not just one thing. It's not like, well, if I get my mind right, then I'm gonna have money. No. It's a piece of that. It's one of the foundations. You can't, you're not gonna feel good with a million dollars if you don't feel good right now. Like if you don't have peace in your heart right now with...


$10,000 in your bank account? You're not gonna feel good with a million dollars in your bank account either.


And that is the piece that we're going to shift. And that comes back to, like I said, the awareness, the identities, where you're hanging out in victimhood, where your ego's trying to keep you safe, where you, like scarcity, all those pieces. Then we do the tactical piece. And this is, so there's a lot of people, and I've been hearing a lot and seeing a lot, in the money mindset kind of world, and other people who coach on this and talk about this.


And it's very much like, well, what's your what's your money type? And like, here's some affirmations for you. And, you know, you just if you if you shift this one thing, then like all will be well. And that's not the case. This is one of those like foundation pieces. But it's not the only thing. You still get to show up and do you still get to budget.


You still get to do steward your finances well. You still get to say, no, that's not a priority in my life right now to purchase that item. You still get to make decisions and you still get to choose to increase your income. You still get to tactically do the things and show up for that. And it's not just like, well, I'm going to choose to shift my mindset and have this new story. And you say it once and then you're good forever. No. Just because you're shifting that one time.


Now you get to choose to do the reps over and over and over and over again, right? Just cause you found a new muscle doesn't mean that like, you know, you work at once and then like, it's good for life, right? We know that in the gym. So we get to apply that to our finances, to our money mindset, right? You shift that belief and you say, no, this is the new belief. I'm rejecting that old pattern, that old thought. This is my new pattern. This is my new thought.


Now I get to put that on repeat until A, I fully believe it, and B, I take actions around that, and that becomes a pattern, I see results from that. It's not a quick fix. There are no quick fixes.


Okay, so.


That is a little bit about money mindset, what it is, what it isn't, and how it's not just one thing. And also that's kind of how I show up. And so if you ever work with me or coach with me or any of those pieces, that's where all this is coming from. It's not just this, it's not just that. It's just like when I'm talking about health stuff, it's people often are like, well, like...


I eat really well or while I go to the gym lots and we know that it's not just eating well, it's not just exercising, it's not just sleeping well, it's not just supplementation, it's not just drinking your water. But anybody who tells you it's just one of those things is out to lunch. It's not just one thing, right? So how do you get to show up in this space? Learn the awareness, develop a healthy money mindset.


and do the tactical, tangible actions and stewarding your finances well. Learning how to budget from a place of abundance, but you can't budget well and steward your finances well if you're coming at it from a place of scarcity because it's not gonna feel good and you're not gonna wanna do it. And that's what I see so many people, well, I guess I have to budget.


You don't have to. You have to get your mindset right first. And then budgeting will feel good. You'll want to.


because you want to steward your finance as well. Because you want to move forward in your life and reach your goals and what's actually a priority in your life and what's actually important to you.

Money MindsetPersonal GrowthGrowth MindsetPersonal DevelopmentLearningFearFailingPodcastMindset ShiftFinancial MindsetGratitude in FinancePeaceful FinancesStewarding MoneyStewardshipdecision-makingcommitmentovercoming feardecisive actioninformed decisions
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